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Sunday Email: Issue 99

Welcome to the 99th issue of the Sunday Email.

07785 223707

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Although the second community meeting to discuss village plans for the Platinum Jubilee, held last Sunday, was very poorly attended (only seven residents turned up!) some progress was made in refining the list of potential activities. Agreement was reached on a number of core events which will proceed, whilst many others were dropped from the draft programme. The remaining list now looks like this:

  • Scarecrow Competition with a royal theme – Saturday 30 April to Monday 2 May – organised jointly with Topcliffe Academy and Carlton Miniott Schools. Scarecrows will be registered and identified on village maps.
  • Village Litter Picks and Tidy Ups – to be considered in conjunction with parish councils, with dates agreed so that the two villages are looking pristine in time for the celebrations. Scouting groups are keen to be involved and Topcliffe Academy may wish to be involved.
  • Street and House Decorations – it was agreed that this activity is one that individuals within the villages need to consider. A leaflet outlining the idea will be prepared and distributed to all households encouraging them to decorate their home on a royal/jubilee theme.
  • Party in the Park – the afternoon of Saturday 4 June. It will be a bring your own food and drink event. Consideration is being given to some children’s entertainment and games, stalls and perhaps a band. The Bowling Green will be open for a family competition. Children will be encouraged to arrive in a homemade crown and prizes will be available for the best. A sub-group has been set up to consider the details and get things organised.
  • Sunday Brunch – 5 June at the Village Hall. Judith Lowe has agreed to get a group of volunteers together to organise.
  • Children’s Art Competition – Topcliffe Academy is being approached to encourage pupils to submit artwork on a royal theme. The artwork will be displayed, judged and prizes presented at the Sunday Brunch.
  • Platinum Jubilee Walkway – on the banks of the Swale between Topcliffe Bridge and Asenby. This is being considered by Asenby Parish Council at its meeting on 16 March. Hambleton Brewery has already indicated it will help fund the initiative.
  • The Queen’s Green Canopy – it’s hoped that throughout the year lots of trees might be planted in the two villages – in private gardens and on public land.

The following events will not take place unless someone comes forward to take the lead on making them happen:

  • Village Beacons.
  • Supper and entertainment in the Village Hall on Friday 3 June.
  • Royal photographic competition.
  • Royal fancy dress competition.
  • Vintage vehicle display.
  • Jubilee Stroll.